Baltic Sea, the - vertaling naar Engels
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Baltic Sea, the - vertaling naar Engels

BalticSea; Baltic sea; Mare Suebicum; Mare Suevicum; Central Baltic Sea; Post-littorina Sea; Läänemeri; Ostsee; Baltic coast; Laanemeri; Östersjön; The Baltic; Baltic (name); Itämeri; Suebian Sea; Suevian Sea; Pollution of the Baltic Sea; Pollution in the Baltic Sea; The Baltic Sea; Evening Sea; History of the Baltic Sea; Fauna of the Baltic Sea; Baltic Coast
  • Skerries]] form an integral and typical part of many of the [[archipelago]]s of the Baltic Sea, such as these in the archipelago of [[Åland]], [[Finland]].
  • Satellite image of the Baltic Sea in a mild winter
  • Traversing Baltic Sea and ice
  • Satellite photo of the Baltic Sea surrounding [[Gotland]], Sweden, with algae bloom (phytoplankton) swirling in the water
  • Baltic drainage basins (catchment area), with depth, elevation, major rivers and lakes
  • Arkona]] Basin<br>6–12 = [[Baltic Proper]]<br />13 = [[Kattegat]], not an integral part of the Baltic Sea<br />14 = Belt Sea ([[Little Belt]] and [[Great Belt]])<br />15 = [[Öresund]] (The Sound)<br>14 + 15 = [[Danish Straits]], not an integral part of the Baltic Sea
  • Danish Straits and southwestern Baltic Sea
  • Aerial view of [[Bornholm]], Denmark
  • [[Gdańsk]] in Poland
  • The burning ''[[Cap Arcona]]'' shortly after the attacks, 3 May 1945. Only 350 survived of the 4,500 prisoners who had been aboard
  • [[Curonian Spit]] in [[Kaliningrad Oblast]], Russia
  • Latvian-speaking]] [[Kursenieki]] spanned from [[Klaipėda]] to [[Gdańsk]] along the coast of the Baltic Sea.
  • Dano-Swedish War]].
  • Main trading routes of the [[Hanseatic League]] (''Hanse'').
  • Piles of drift ice on the shore of Puhtulaid, near [[Virtsu]], Estonia, in late April
  • [[Åland]] between Baltic Sea and the [[Gulf of Bothnia]]
  • [[Stockholm archipelago]]
  • [[Mrzeżyno]] beach in Poland
  • Depths of the Baltic Sea in meters
  • [[Helsinki]] in Finland
  • Population density in the Baltic Sea catchment area
  • Rani]] tribe before Christianization.
  • [[Riga]] in Latvia
  • On particularly cold winters, the coastal parts of the Baltic Sea freeze into ice thick enough to walk or ski on.
  • [[Vasilyevsky Island]] in [[Saint Petersburg]], Russia
  • [[Stockholm]] in Sweden
  • Baltic Sea near [[Klaipėda]] ([[Karklė]]).
  • Svetlogorsk]] resort town in [[Kaliningrad Oblast]], Russia
  • [[Tallinn]] in Estonia

  • left
  • A reclining nude on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge by Julian Opie. Similar designs were used in the ''B.OPEN'' event in Baltic.
  • Newcastle and Gateshead Quayside. The conversion of the Baltic Flour Mills was part of the wider regeneration of Gateshead in the 1990s.
  • 220x220px
  • left
Baltic (disambiguation)
(adj.) = báltico
Ex: In recent years periodicals in English giving information on the Baltic economy, finance, and culture, have been issued for international distribution.
* Baltic countries, the = países bálticos, los
* Baltic republics, the = repúblicas bálticas, las
* Baltic Sea, the = Mar Báltico, el
* Baltic States, the = países bálticos, los; estados bálticos, los
* Baltics, the = países bálticos, los
Baltic States         
  • The [[Baltic Way]] was a mass anti-Soviet demonstration in 1989 where ca 25% of the total population of the Baltic countries participated
  • [[Baltic Defence College]] serves as a centre of strategic and operational research and provides [[professional military education]] to intermediate- and senior-level officers and government officials
  • [[Baltic Assembly]] session in [[Seimas Palace]], in [[Vilnius]], Lithuania
  • According to the 1939 [[Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact]] "''the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)''" were divided into German and Soviet "spheres of influence" (German copy)
  • Baltic]] (Latvia, Lithuania)}}
  • Neutral countries with military bases established by Soviet Union in October 1939}}
  • An improvised [[armoured train]] used in the Estonian War of Independence against [[Soviet Russia]], 1919
  • St. Olaf's church]] in [[Tallinn]], Estonia
  • St. Peter's Lutheran Church]], [[Riga]], Latvia
  • Downtown Tallinn]]
  • Church of St. Johns]], [[Vilnius]], Lithuania
  • Downtown Riga]]
  • Downtown Vilnius]]
Baltic state; Baltic Republics; Tourism in the Baltics; Baltics; Baltic Countries; Balticum; Baltic Soviet Republics; The Baltics; Baltic republics; Baltic country; Baltic sea country; Baltic Sea Country; Baltic Country; Baltic Sea country; Baltic State; The Baltic countries; The Baltic Countries; Baltic countrys; Baltic Countrys; The Baltic countrys; The Baltic Countrys; The Baltic Sea Countries; The Baltic Sea countries; Baltic Sea Countrys; The Baltic Sea Countrys; The Baltic Sea countrys; Baltic Sea countrys; Baltic sea countrys; The Baltic states; The Baltic States; The Balticum; The baltics; Baltikum; Baltic countries; Baltic States; Pribaltika; Baltic lands; Baltic nations; Balti riigid; Baltimaad; Baltijas valstis; Baltijos valstybės; Baltijos valstybes; NATO Occupied Soviet Union; Ethnic groups in the Baltic states
Los Estados Bálticos, países a lo largo de la costa sureste del mar Báltico (Estonia, Latvia y Lituania)
  • 2004 tsunami]] in Thailand
  • Salinity map taken from the Aquarius Spacecraft. The rainbow colours represent salinity levels: red = 40 [[‰]], purple = 30 ‰
  • Tidal power: the 1&nbsp;km [[Rance Tidal Power Station]] in Brittany generates 0.5 GW.
  • Naval warfare: ''The explosion of the Spanish flagship during the Battle of Gibraltar, 25 April 1607'' by [[Cornelis Claesz van Wieringen]], formerly attributed to [[Hendrik Cornelisz Vroom]]
  • Composite images of the Earth created by [[NASA]] in 2001
  • biodiverse]] habitats in the world.
  • Scuba diver with face mask, fins and underwater breathing apparatus
  • Austronesians]] beginning at around 3000 BC
  • Surface currents: red–warm, blue–cold
  • m}} long
  • The [[Baltic Sea]] in the archipelago of [[Turku]], Finland
  • page=8}}
  • [[The Oceanids (The Naiads of the Sea)]], a painting by [[Gustave Doré]] (c. 1860)
  • projection]].
  • Minerals precipitated near a hydrothermal vent
  • Fishing boat in Sri Lanka
  • Oceans and marginal seas as defined by the [[International Maritime Organization]]
  • [[Praia da Marinha]] in [[Algarve]], Portugal
  • When the wave enters shallow water, it slows down and its amplitude (height) increases.
  • [[Reverse osmosis]] [[desalination]] plant
  • Shipping routes, showing relative density of commercial shipping around the world
  • Movement of molecules as waves pass
  • Three types of plate boundary
  • [[Dutch Golden Age painting]]: ''The Y at Amsterdam, seen from the Mosselsteiger (mussel pier)'' by [[Ludolf Bakhuizen]], 1673<ref name=Slive />
  • The global conveyor belt shown in blue with warmer surface currents in red
  • thornback cowfish]]
  • High tides (blue) at the nearest and furthest points of the Earth from the Moon
At sea; The sea; Open Sea
(n.) = mar
Ex: We are thus concerned with a virtually limitless number of concepts - building, book, reading, colour, sea, water, summer, England, 1066 AD - any concepts you like.
* Adriatic sea, the = mar Adriático, el
* Aegean Sea, the = Mar Egeo, el
* Arabian Sea, the = Mar Arábigo, el; Mar de Omán, el
* a sea of = un mar de, una gran extensión de, una gran cantidad de
* a sea of + paper = un mar de papel
* at sea = en el mar
* Baltic Sea, the = Mar Báltico, el
* between the devil and the deep blue sea = entre la espada y la pared
* Black Sea = Mar Negro
* Caspian Sea, the = mar Caspio, el
* Coral Sea, the = Mar del Coral, el
* Dead Sea Scrolls, the = manuscritos del Mar Muerto, los; rollos del Mar Muerto, los
* Dead Sea, the = Mar Muerto, el
* deep-sea = de las profundidades, de aguas profundas
* deep-sea floor = fondo marino, profundidades marinas
* heavy sea = mar gruesa, mar agitada, mar fuerte, mar arbolada, mar picada, marejada
* high seas, the = alta mar
* inland sea = mar interior, lago salado
* Mediterranean Sea, the = Mar Mediterráneo, el
* North Sea, the = Mar del Norte, el
* old sea dog = viejo lobo de mar
* on the open sea = en altamar, en mar abierto
* open sea = altamar, mar abierto
* plough + the sea = surcar los mares
* red sea bream = besugo
* Red Sea, the = Mar Rojo, el
* roam + the seven seas = surcar los siete mares, navegar por el mundo
* sail + the seven seas = surcar los siete mares, navegar por el mundo
* salty sea dog = lobo de mar
* seabed [sea bed] = lecho del mar, lecho marino, fondo del mar
* sea bird = ave marina
* seaboard = costa
* sea bottom = fondo del mar
* sea bream = pargo
* sea change = cambio radical
* sea chart = mapa de navegación marítima
* seacoast = costero
* sea cucumber = pepino de mar, cohombro de mar
* sea dog = lobo de mar
* seafaring = vida marítima
* seafloor [sea floor] = lecho marino, fondo del mar
* seafood = pescado, mariscos
* seafront = paseo marítimo, malecón, costa, zona costera, litoral, frente al mar
* sea-going = del mar, marino, de alta mar
* seagull = gaviota
* sea ice = banquisa
* sea lion = león marino
* sea mammal = mamífero marino
* sea mine = mina marina, mina de mar
* sea monster = monstruo marino
* seaplane = hidroavión
* seaport = puerto, puerto de mar, puerto marítimo
* sea predator = predador marino
* sea salt = sal marina
* sea sediment = sedimento marino
* seashore = orilla del mar, playa
* sea snail = caracol marino
* sea snake = serpiente marina
* seas of change, the = aires de cambio
* sea sponge = esponja marina
* sea turtle = tortuga marina, galápago
* sea urchin = erizo de mar
* sea view = vista al mar
* seawall = dique, malecón
* sea-water [seawater] = agua del mar, agua marina
* seaweed = alga
* seven seas, the = siete mares, los
* territorial sea = mar territorial, mar jurisdiccional
* tropical sea = mar tropical
* war at sea = batalla naval
* wash out to + sea = arrastrar al mar


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El prójimo.


Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean that is enclosed by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the North and Central European Plain.

The sea stretches from 53°N to 66°N latitude and from 10°E to 30°E longitude. It is a shelf sea and marginal sea of the Atlantic with limited water exchange between the two, making it an inland sea. The Baltic Sea drains through the Danish Straits into the Kattegat by way of the Øresund, Great Belt and Little Belt. It includes the Gulf of Bothnia, the Bay of Bothnia, the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga and the Bay of Gdańsk.

The "Baltic Proper" is bordered on its northern edge, at latitude 60°N, by Åland and the Gulf of Bothnia, on its northeastern edge by the Gulf of Finland, on its eastern edge by the Gulf of Riga, and in the west by the Swedish part of the southern Scandinavian Peninsula.

The Baltic Sea is connected by artificial waterways to the White Sea via the White Sea–Baltic Canal and to the German Bight of the North Sea via the Kiel Canal.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Baltic Sea, the
1. in the Baltic Sea, the Faroe Islands,
The Nordic Cookbook _ Magnus Nilsson _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Baltic Sea, the
1. For Swedes, defeated by Russia in 1721 in a battle that brought down the curtain on the Swedish Empire and ended its control of the Baltic Sea, the Gazprom plan revives that struggle in a modern, economic context.
2. Dead zones first were reported in the United States‘ Chesapeake Bay; the Baltic Sea; the Kattegat bay in the North Sea; the Black Sea; the northern Adriatic Sea; and some Scandinavian fjords.
3. Finns Call For Another Route Study Reuters HELSINKI –– Finland insists the Gazprom–led Nord Stream consortium conduct a thorough environmental impact study of an alternative, southern route for its planned gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea, the country‘s environment ministry said Monday.
4. That brought wheat exports so far this year to 8.2 million tons, worth $1.8 billion. (Bloomberg) Gazprom Eyes Plants FRANKFURT –– Gazprom and Germany‘s E.On Ruhrgas want to build projects including a new gas–fired power plant in Lubmin in eastern Germany near the Baltic Sea, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported.
5. Lundin said it planned to start installing the marine drilling complex in April. (Reuters) Gazprom Drops Baltic Plant Gazprom has scrapped plans for a $3.5 billion liquefied natural gas plant on the Baltic Sea, the firm said, dashing the hopes of international companies aiming to join the project.